IMHO the Democrats only have one chance of generating the conditions required to be able to provide the appearance of legitimacy when fixing the vote count: Joe’s timely death. Using the 25th Amendment is too bad of a look as Biden remains as a reminder of Democrat incompetence and skullduggery. But if Joe dies, then the media/campaign propagandists can play on the sympathy of “the people” by way of a massive media blitz lionizing his lifetime of service focusing on his “accomplishments” and allowing Kamala to remain low-key, look busy and in the background at the same time.

The funeral-wake-celebration of life will last for weeks and even months up until the election as world leaders come from around the world to pay their respects with Kamala playing hostess and “looking Presidential” while making inane speeches about Americans coming together. This way Joe can be an asset as Kamala runs for “re-election as the first woman (of color) President” while making Trump look and sound “mean” for criticizing Joe and/or Kamala. All this sympathy and funeral hoopla buries Joe’s corruption, incompetence, senility, etc. while reinvigorating the base and gathering many independents to jump on the bandwagon, at least enough, again, to be able to make the election close enough to steal for Kamala.

The only question is how to take Biden out. Either a full-blown false flag insurrectiony assassination by a “right-wing MAGA nut case” (lone shooter of course) inspired by “Trump’s rhetoric”, a COVID/Bird Flu “we’re all in danger!” look what it did to Joe psyops, or just peaceful natural causes. It depends on how desperate they are, but I think the natural causes/injection will be the most believable and likely, but they could go all-in with more drama to install a dictatorship with one of the former two casus bellis.

I don’t think the Deep State hacks will assassinate Trump as it would likely make him more popular, and maybe even still win the election as a martyr write-in vote and all hell breaks loose; too risky.

Or the power mad maniacs start World War III with nukes, but taking out Joe poses the least risk to the elite.

What a show. Timing is key. Do they do it next week to overshadow the RNC and give them plenty of time to build momentum for the DNC? Or wait for an "October Surprise"? Stay tuned.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Author

I almost mentioned one possible side effect of RNA-based vaccines like the one for COVID-19: "The Mayo Clinic says CJD--the disease caused by prions--is 100% fatal and has no treatment. It all ends in death. Once the prion symptoms are evident, it’s already too late. There is no treatment and no reversal possible."

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