Issue #121
After the shocking and disastrous election of Donald Trump as President in 2016, there was no way that Democrats, the ruling elite, the Military-Intelligence-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex and the Deep State were going to leave the 2020 election to the vagaries of chance. These days there is just too much money and power at stake to just let the chips fall where they may. During the 2020 presidential campaign, there was a reason why the Biden campaign could safely leave their candidate in his basement working on puzzles and eating Jello even as Trump drew tens of thousands of passionate voters to several rallies per day.
Republicans try to win votes by campaigning and persuading voters with arguments, and the vast majority of them would never even consider engaging in voting fraud. Democrats, who generally believe that the ends justify the means, tend to have this same philosophy when it comes to elections, especially when they believe that a person like Trump is the next Hitler. They don't care about campaigning and persuasion, they only care about votes counted. And it doesn't matter who cast the ballot, how many ballots that person cast, or how many times a ballot is counted. Democrat officials mail an absentee ballot to everyone on the voter rolls (whether a ballot was requested or not) and then say, “Count every vote!”, which is different from “Count every properly cast ballot.”
As I wrote in Issue #96, “Shortly before the [2020] election, David Plouffe, who is best known for running...Obama's successful 2008 presidential campaign, published a book that said the election 'may come down to block-by-block street fights in Detroit, Philadelphia and Milwaukee'.” He knew exactly what needed to happen to win the election. And then Democrats used the COVID-19 scamdemic to perfect their massive and coordinated voting fraud operation. Central to this strategy was the advent of a month-long (or more) Early Voting period and the installation of hundreds of drop boxes where hundreds of thousands of ballots could be “cast” by ballot harvesters 24 hours a day, with no supervision by poll watchers or the county elections office (which was probably part of the fraud itself).
I just watched the 2022 documentary 2000 Mules (site includes a trailer) by conservative activist Dinesh D'Souza. It details the analysis and findings of the nonpartisan election integrity group True the Vote, which are jaw-dropping. It's 5 stars and a MUST SEE.
True the Vote purchased trillions of geolocation data points from cell phone providers in just a handful of major cities that were in swing states for the month leading up to the 2020 election. They plotted the location of ballot drop boxes as well as the location of the offices of nonprofits that were suspected of being involved with voting fraud. Then using very generous assumptions, they identified about 2,000 different ballot “mules” and plotted their routes to and from several nonprofit offices and to and from up to over two dozen different drop boxes in one day. There can be no explanation for this except voting fraud.
To confirm their conclusion, they showed video clips (obtained from local governments under the Freedom of Information Act) of various mules depositing handfuls of ballots into different drop boxes. (Sometimes, such as in Phoenix, the video footage that was required by law was either never recorded or was inexplicably not available.) The vast majority of the time, these drops were made in the middle of the night, but sometimes they were brazenly made next to people standing in a line to vote.
Often there were so many ballots (sometimes taken from a backpack) that the mule had trouble stuffing them all into the box. Some mules wore a mask over their face, to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19 on an empty street in the middle of the night, of course. The day after a court case in which the defendants were successfully prosecuted for voter fraud (the FBI caught them by using their fingerprints on drop boxes), the mules began wearing gloves.
Some mules took photos of themselves dropping ballots into drop boxes. Did they post these selfies on their Facebook page as a way to signal their virtue (“I voted”)? No, it was to provide proof of their labor so they could get paid. Paid by whom? I've read two books about voting fraud (The Deep Rig and Rigged) and I'm currently reading Our Broken Elections, so I know a thing or two about this subject. It would not surprise me if at least some of the money came from Mark Zuckerberg (read the issue called Zucked) and/or George Soros.
When the True the Vote investigators loosened up their assumptions to ones that were still unexplainable and damning (such as visiting say several drop boxes in one day), they found well over 50,000 mules—and that's just in the handful of swing states.
There's a reason why roughly half (or more) of the electorate has no confidence in the 2020 election. As Dinesh points out, January 6 wasn't an insurrection, it was an impotent cry of outrage by Americans who see their beloved country—many of whom risked their lives to defend (like me)--being hijacked by a minority and rapidly turned into a totalitarian state. Somehow, by sheer luck, H.R. 1 (AKA the For the [Enslavement of] the People Act)--which would have permanently established massive voting fraud and one party rule—never became law. But in a battle between the law-abiding and those who believe the ends justify the means, it's just a matter of time before the latter prevail. We are on borrowed time.
I'm reading a book about Ukraine, where the inability to resolve political differences in a just and fair way eventually led to civil war. I was struck by how similar America's trajectory is. As Clausewitz observed, war is the continuation of politics by other means.
When I looked for the documentary online, I found a number of sites (such as Wikipedia) that said things like “2000 Mules is a 2022 American conspiracy theory political film from right-wing political commentator Dinesh D'Souza. The film falsely claims unnamed nonprofit organizations supposedly associated with the Democratic Party paid 'mules' to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in the swing states...during the 2020 presidential election. D'Souza has a history of creating and spreading false conspiracy theories.”
Sounds like an objective encyclopedia entry, right? I like how these people are omniscient and can confidently claim that there was no significant fraud in the 2020 election. How could they possibly know that? There are many, many ways to commit voting fraud. Were they monitoring every person and every ballot in the months leading up to the election? I recommend you watch the documentary yourself and determine if this “conspiracy theory” turns into yet another “conspiracy fact.” You can either pay to watch it online or order a DVD copy.
News Items
Major Grocery Chain Struggles to Survive Amid Wave of Thefts: I never hear the people who complain about “food deserts” in urban areas also complain about shoplifting, crime and violence. Hmm. Perhaps the two are related. Disruption of the food supply is a major concern among preppers, though I had never considered the slow-motion loss of access to grocery stores as a potential cause, though given the decline of our society, I now see that it's not only possible, it's probably inevitable. Hungry, desperate people are capable of extreme actions. We are only nine meals (or less) away from total chaos. Get prepared now.
Recommended Books (I receive a commission if you buy a book via this link.)
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Rob, I watched 2000 mules when it first came out and it was proof that the election was tampered with. Also in Pennsylvania, the state legislature changed some sort of voting law, which was illegal because that law could only be changed at the federal level. The law heavily favored liberals. Many people are aware of this yet nothing has happened to correct it. What can conservatives do? Cheat better than the far left? Or something else … may God help us save our country.
Rob! Another good if disturbing Letter, thank you. I still struggle with the stolen election theory, only because of the sheer size of the left wing--corporate conspiracy it would take to pull off something this huge. And the implications of the passive GOP support it would take to make this happen. But if it's true--as I fear--why should 2024 be any different? I think this coming election is going to be the straw that breaks the camels's back; going to tear this country apart.